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Healthy Lifestyle – and Its Insidious Side

You’ve probably heard of the latest trends like the “clean girl aesthetic” and seen thousands of routines that are supposed to be crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Don’t eat junk food. Always get your vitamins. Drink lemon water in the morning. Take your electrolytes and amino acids. Never go to clubs or drink alcohol. Get 8 hours of sleep. Focus only on your career. Hit the gym every day. Never skip your 10-step skincare routine before bed. Journal daily. Meditate daily. Go to Pilates. Keep your room clean. Never miss your Sunday reset. Cut out sugar. Get enough protein…

As you may have noticed, this list could go on for hours. By now, you might be wondering: How can I find the time to do all of this in one day? And will I actually feel better afterward?

From what I’ve read and seen, the common response is that you’ll always find the time, and it will totally be worth it — that you’ll feel better about yourself and never feel down.

Common misconceptions

Here’s the reality: we’re humans. No matter how many of these “small changes” you implement, you won’t feel perfectly fine all the time. You also won’t become a perfect human being just by adding more habits to your day, because there’s always room for improvement. Most importantly, we’re individuals, so there’s no perfect routine that fits everyone and their lifestyle.

Another misconception is that the “healthier,” the better. But obsessing over the ‘clean girl’ or ‘healthy girl’ lifestyle can actually lead to the opposite of its intended benefits. By sticking too rigidly to a daily routine, you may feel more pressured to get everything done or beat yourself up if you don’t. This might cause you to cling to an unrealistic image of yourself and your life, which can block new opportunities due to the scarcity mindset that comes with it.

Now, the real question arises: “What is an actual healthy lifestyle?”

To be fair, I can’t give you a one-size-fits-all answer because I wasn’t born in your body. But I can offer some simple tips on the most important things to maintain a genuinely healthy lifestyle:

1. The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule is a flexible approach that can be applied to many areas of your life: diet, fitness, work, and more. The idea is simple: 80% of the time, focus on living a healthy lifestyle — eat well, stay active, focus on your studies or career, and follow the goals you’ve set for yourself. For the other 20%, do what feels right for you — go out with friends, enjoy that dessert, party at a club, stay up late…

Of course, moderation is key, and this approach shouldn’t be taken too far. You’ll learn to find the balance by listening to yourself. Don’t shy away from occasionally waking up with a hangover if the night before was unforgettable!

2. Get a Morning and Night Routine

I know I mentioned that sticking to a daily routine can become too much of a chore, but that’s often due to a lack of flexibility during the day. By incorporating habits into your morning and evening routines, you won’t need to stress about getting them done during the day.

This approach also helps maintain habits for the long term because you’re directly integrating them into predictable parts of your day. Whatever happens during the day is often beyond our control, but there’s usually time after waking up or before going to bed to maintain these habits.

If you want to incorporate healthy habits into your routines but don’t know where to start, I highly recommend this blog to you: How to Build a (Better) Morning and Nighttime Routine – RnA ReSet

3. Listen to Your Body

Your body is smarter than you think. If you’re feeling exhausted, it might be time to rest. If you’re craving a specific type of food, it might be because your body needs certain nutrients. Instead of following a strict list of dos and don’ts, tune in to what your body is telling you.

Tips on how to listen to your body will soon be explained further in another blog.

4. Define Your Own Version of Health

A healthy lifestyle isn’t about fitting into someone else’s idea of perfection. It’s about finding what makes you feel good, energized, and happy. Take the time to understand what you need — not what society, influencers, or anyone else tells you to do.

This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take any inspiration from other people; try out new things and figure out what works best for you!

Remember, a truly healthy lifestyle isn’t about perfection; it’s about balance and knowing yourself. Let go of the idea that you need to fit into a certain mold. Embrace the freedom to create a lifestyle that genuinely works for you.

You’re allowed to be imperfect, to have days where you do everything “wrong” according to the latest trends, and to find joy in the things that make life worth living. That’s the healthiest approach of all.

See my latest blog: 5 Powerful Tips to Set Unbreakable Boundaries at Work and Home – RomComToMe